When you are considering or in fact in the process of purchasing your computer equipment I bet you don't really give a lot of thought to your Computer Chair. Well I am here to tell you that your chair is probably more important than most of the things you normally think about when you get your computer. Yes you need enough RAM, yes your processor must be as fast as you can afford and of course you need lots of memory and a great screen. But if you are going to spend hours sitting in front of that computer then you simply must prioritise a quality Computer Chair.
Do you conduct any research when you purchase your sound card or do you simply just take whatever you can get. I know that we all have a budget but if you want your back to last longer than the dodgey Computer Chair that you are considering then you really should consider purchasing a chair with a little bit of quality. The longer you plan on sitting in front of your computer then the more time you should spend researching and considering what chair you will be sitting on for at least the next few years.
A Computer Chair should not be a last minute rash decision. When you are setting up your office or even replacing your old chair, do a little bit of research and learn about the benefits to your overall health by purchasing a chair that is specifically designed for extended periods of sitting. Not only is it better for your back and posture but you will benefit from increased alertness and concentration improving your overall ability to work as well as increased levels of productivity.
Not only should a good quality Computer Chair be comfortable it should include the many ergonomic design improvements that have seen chairs evolve from simply being a tree stump. Some of those improvements include a forward slowing seat and a knee rest where you spread your body weight from your lower back to your thighs lower legs and knees. This position is essential for long periods of sitting as well as good posture and pain free sitting.
Sitting in your chair for extended periods is what causes the pain and discomfort you feel when you are trying to work. It is what makes you squirm in your seat as you try to get comfortable and relieve the discomfort you are feeling. The only way to relieve this pain is to either get up and stretch frequently or use a Computer Chair that is designed to push you weight forward and off your lower back. Leaning forward will open up you spine allowing the cells to be nourished as well as spreading the weight through to your thighs and lower legs. You will be much more comfortable for much longer periods of time.
As a writer I can assure you that since I got hold of a good quality Computer Chair I can now sit in front of my keyboard for hours on end and feel no pain or the slightest discomfort in my back whatsoever. This is a far cry from the intense pain I used to get from my previous chair which was touted as being extremely comfortable. Maybe it was comfortable for the sales person but I was in constant agony and found I could only sit on my computer chair for ever decreasing periods of time.
So to finish up I would suggest to you that you should not regard your Computer Chair as something that just finishes off you computer room. It should not be an after thought, rather, just like the rest of the computer equipment you purchased you should be a lot of thought and research into your chair. A good quality Computer Chair is worth its weight in gold both for your general health and pain free life.
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